2025 update: We are in conversation with farmers focused on the pastures for their farming but we are still interested to speak to people interested in small-scale vegetable production.
Work with us and
take the next steps towards
Farm Business Ownership on this Land
We are Suzanne Long and Tim Sanford, the current owners of Luna Bleu Farm. We have owned and operated Luna Bleu Farm in South Royalton, since 1993. However, we started the Luna Bleu Farm business 5 years before that on leased land. Luna Bleu Farm has been our livelihood and life for over 35 years and we are not quite ready to leave farming completely. We envision a gradual transfer of business management and assets over the next 2 to 5 years depending on the experience and readiness of new farmer(s).
If you have several years of commercial organic vegetable production experience and are ready to take the next steps toward owning and managing your own small organic farm business and stewarding this land for future generations read the details below.

About the Farm
About the Transition from Old to the Next Generation
Luna Bleu Farm has been our livelihood and life for over 35 years and we are not quite ready to leave farming completely. Suzanne, at 63, is still in good health and still very active on the farm, at farmers’ markets and collaborating with other farmers. She sees quite a few more years ahead of her actively farming, and working alongside the next generation. Initially as mentor, then as support staff or in other roles to compliment the work of the new farmer(s) as the business evolves. Tim, at 72, is more ready to pull back from full farming days and focus more on specific farm areas: such as greenhouse tomatoes, compost and fertility management, general repair and maintenance and/or tractor work and just taking more time to go fishing.
We envision a gradual transfer of business management and assets over the next 2 to 5 years depending on the experience and readiness of new farmer(s). This will give the new farmer(s) a chance to learn about the farm, the land, the community and markets and time to build equity and experience to successfully take over the farm business. We are also committed to finding a way to make this farm transition affordable, and support as best we can the future viability of the next emerging farmers.
Minimum of 3 years work experience on a commercial vegetable farm
Some management experience
Technical crop growing knowledge gained through education and/or experience
Desire to be a land steward and manage your own farm business
Other Useful Skills
Tractor and farm machinery experience
Some business/financial/budgeting knowledge and experience
To Apply
Send us a Letter of Interest by email to mailto:suzanne@lunableufarm.org Include:
Your resume or an outline of your experience, particularly as it pertains to the above requirements/skills.
Your current situation.
Brief description of your vision for a farm business.
Brief statement as to why this opportunity is of interest to you.
Here is an outline of the transition process as we envision it. In the near term it is more specific and becomes more general as time goes on, reflecting the idea that old and new generations will shape it as time progresses. In the end this has to work for all.
We are accepting applications for the 2025 growing season, but we are also happy to also begin a conversation with people interested in beginning winter/spring 2026
We will interview a pool of prospective candidates.
We will explore details of a potential succession plan with a smaller pool of likely candidates.
We will pick a candidate with a strong potential as a farm successor. Possibly as soon as December 2024
You will work one season as an employee, in a role as assistant farm manager. During this time we will share with you details of our current farm systems, marketing and finances. We will take the opportunity to share ideas of system improvements and potentials for changes or expansions based on your interests.
At the end of the first season, with the help of service providers trained in farm transfer, we will assess potentials and next steps and create a timeline toward a transition of management and ownership. First steps could include simply increased responsibility and management, implementing new enterprises that reflect your interests and skills and/or forming a more formal business partnership. We imagine that these discussions will take shape based on farm experience, skills and interests as well as financial and other resources. We are committed to exploring ways to make the farming and stewardship transition of this land affordable for the parties involved.
First Year Compensation:
$18-20/hour to start, depending on experience
Vegetables and eggs from the farm, and discount on farm-raised chicken
Luna Bleu Farm is is an equal opportunity employer and values diverse representation in Vermont's farm community. People of all backgrounds, genders, and identities are encouraged to apply.
To Apply email information asked for above to Suzanne.
Questions? Send them to Suzanne at same email.
Feel free to follow up with a phone call.