Luna Bleu Farm is one of the oldest CSA farms in Vermont. We were drawn to this business model back in the late 80’s because it forges a unique bond between farmers and the local community. Together, we have the potential to create an economy which puts soil health, environment and feeding our community at the forefront.
By joining our CSA, you are choosing to support local agriculture and invest in a resilient future.
Organic Vegetable Shares

Harvest Season Vegetable Share
20 pickups, weekly, June–October
Small, Medium and Large Shares
Harvest Season shareholders enjoy a weekly share of fresh vegetables during the main growing season.
The mainstays in your shares will be the familiar lettuces, tomatoes, cukes, carrots, potatoes, squash, melons, and other favorites. We also like to introduce people to some less common crops like fennel, celeriac, garlic scapes, bok choy, kohlrabi, and to new varieties of familiar veggies.
Harvest Season Shares are available with a sliding scale pricing: our effort to increase local food availability while maintaining farm economic sustainability. See price chart below for more information on pricing.

Winter Season Vegetable Share
7 pickups, November–April
Small and Medium Shares
Winter Season shareholders will enjoy high quality storage vegetables and delicious greens throughout the winter and into the spring.
Winter-stored crops include carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, winter squash, cabbage, beets, and sweet potatoes plus greens from our solar-heated greenhouses: spinach with every winter share and other greens most months. Our members just love our winter greens…it’s like magic!
Winter Season Shares are available with a sliding scale pricing: our effort to increase local food availability while maintaining farm economic sustainability. See price chart below for more information on pricing.
Organic Egg Shares

Harvest Season Egg Share
20 pickups, weekly, June–October
$130 for one dozen/week
$65 for ½ dozen/week
Important for 2025 season: with uncertainties caused by bird flu virus, we are limiting egg shares to people who are also getting a harvest season vegetable share. Thank you for your understanding.
You may sign up for any number of shares depending on how many dozen you’d like. Pickups are weekly at the farm and correspond with vegetable share pickups.

Winter Season Egg Share
6 pickups, monthly, November–April
$39.00 for one dozen/month
$20.00 for ½ dozen/month
Important for 2025 season: with uncertainties caused by bird flu virus, we are limiting egg shares to people who are also getting a winter season vegetable share. Thank you for your understanding.
You may sign up for any number of shares depending on how many dozen you’d like. Pickups are monthly at the farm and correspond with vegetable share pickups.
Organic Chicken Shares

Harvest Season Chicken Share
Montly pickup, June–October
$185 for small share (average 4.5 pound chickens )
$225 for large share (average 5.5 pound chickens)
6 total chickens. 1 per month from June through October (with one extra chicken in July or September). Fits well with summer harvest season share pick ups. Chickens will be whole and most often frozen.

"Bulk" Chicken Pre-order
10 chickens picked up at once in summer
$295 for 10 smaller (average 4.5 pound) chickens
$360 for 10 larger (average 5.5 pound) chickens
Pick up 10 Chickens at one time between July and September (scheduled with the farm). Coordinating with processing days, you can get some or all fresh so could could cut some up for your freezer. Otherwise chickens will be whole and frozen.
The Vegetable CSA Details
If you have additional questions, please check out our FAQ page or contact us.
What Size Vegetable Share Should I get?:
A small vegetable share feeds two adults who eat an average amount of vegetables, or a family with a small garden of their own. It is our most popular share size.
A medium vegetable share feeds two to three adults who are good vegetable eaters, or a family of 5 average eaters.
A large vegetable share feeds 4-5 adults who are good vegetable eaters.
Our vegetable shares are generous; you will probably find you are just naturally adding more vegetables to your diet.
Vegetable Share Pricing:
We strive to make our organic produce accessible to our neighbors of all income levels and still pay us, the farmers, and our employees a living wage… a work in progress. To this end, we have this fancy-dancy chart with all these different prices.
• The Basic Price most closely reflects that balance we try to achieve between a thriving farm business and community access to local food. You will typically save 15-20% on our regular retail prices.
• The Sustaining Price helps us more easily attain that thriving point and makes it easier to offer discounted shares. If you are able, we encourage you to select the Sustaining Price to help us build a more resilient local farm and food system.
• The Discounted Price is intended for households that do not qualify for the NOFA Farm Share, but would have trouble paying the Basic price.
• NOFA Farm Share is a lower priced share for income eligible households. In partnership with NOFAVT we can provide vegetable shares at at 50% off the Basic Price up to a $350 discount. In some cases, a greater discount can be offered. Click here to find out more about NOFA Farm Share and apply.